Hepple Gin 50cl
Hepple Gin 50cl
A modern take on a classic gin, let the refreshing flavours of intense green juniper, bright Douglas fir, and savoury lovage, bog myrtle, and blackcurrant leaves transport you to our moors in one of England’s last wild sanctuaries.
Elegant and intense, Hepple Gin elevates classic cocktails to the next level with ease, with even its most delicate notes able to cut through big flavours from other mixers. Martinis, negronis, gin and tonics, and gimlets all stand out in the crowd with Hepple.
45% VOL
Our Home
Our Home
With over 4000 acres of remote land to explore, Hepple hosts rich biodiversity that lends to our botanicals offering some of the best flavours out there.
We have the cleanest waters in England to nourish our plants, with babbling brooks feeding into tranquil ponds surrounded by lovage and blackcurrants. Gusting winds force our bog myrtle and Douglas firs to root deep into the earth to take hold, while wild horses, cows, pigs and stags churn up the ground so that our juniper trees can take root. Over a fifth of juniper found in Northumberland National Park resides in Hepple, which we exclusively harvest.
As our distillery is on our estate, the botanicals we harvest are fresh and picked at their prime, ensuring that the flavours and aromas of Hepple fill every bottle we produce.
The Hepple Juniper Trust
The Hepple Juniper Trust
To ensure that we return the land back to its past glory, the Hepple Juniper Trust was set up to help replenish the UK’s juniper trees. Support by the National Park and Natural England, we’ve planted over 600 juniper trees, growing towards our long-term target of having 2000 trees planted, so that we’ll have plenty of juniper (and gin!) for generations to
Every year participants of the Trust plant their juniper saplings before naming and geotagging them. The newly planted trees stand alongside some of our ancient juniper groves. Gender for the juniper isn’t revealed until the trees are 15 years old, which is when we find out how many females we have to start producing berries.
Shipping & Delivery
Shipping & Delivery
Free delivery for all mainland UK orders over £34, otherwise there is a £5 delivery fee at checkout. Unfortunately we are unable to deliver outside the UK.
All orders placed before noon will be delivered between 1-2 working days. Weekend orders will arrive from Tuesday.
Deliveries to our friends in the Highlands and islands may take a bit longer and are sent via Royal Mail. You will receive a confirmation of your order to your email (don’t forget to check your junk/spam folders!).
During busier times, such as the Christmas period, there may be a delay in getting your order out, due to postal times.
We’re happy to refund bottles that are unopened and are in resaleable condition (ie/ undamaged packaging) within 30 days of purchase. Please note that postage will not be refunded.
Free Delivery Over £34
More Hepple, less fuss, straight to your door.
Free Returns
We understand if the moors are too wild for you.
Tasting Notes
How to Serve
Featured Cocktails
Our unique Triple Technique was pioneered to preserve the character of our home, through our botanicals, so that the flavours and aromas at the time of their harvest are what you’re experiencing in every bottle of Hepple.
For our Hepple Gin, we begin our distillation method here, in a process traditionally used to create a ‘one-shot’ London Dry-style gin, in order to capture a rich, creamy smoothness in our spirits.
Next we take our Douglas fir needles and our green juniper berries and distil them in a glass vacuum, lowering the boiling point to 40C, so that we’re able to preserve delicate, fresh flavours that would normally be destroyed. Many of the bright, zesty fresh notes of our Hepple Gin come from this process.
Finally, our supercritical extractor brings a depth of flavour, particularly from our juniper, to our final product. Putting the juniper berries under intense pressure (at which point molecules hit a supercritical state of being both a liquid and a gas simultaneously), we get our Gin’s signature intense and elegant hit of cedar, sandalwood, and green bitterness.